I had a hilarious and interesting discussion on Twitter with a few friends the other evening on what’s expected from a black Zimbabwean daughter-in-law, especially the first time she goes to the husband’s “kumusha”. For my readers outside of Zimbabwe, when a woman gets married, she is expected to go to her in-law’s home and carry out some daughter-in-law “duties”. If her in-laws live in the rural areas, these duties include fetching firewood, getting water for the entire family from a well which can be goodness knows how many kilometres away, cooking on an open fire and even killing a chicken or heaven forbid a goat and of course cooking it.

Now, my issue with the above scenario is this; I really want to understand why people still place so much importance on doing things the old fashioned way? Take me for example. I did not grow up in the rural areas. I have never gone to fetch wood. I can’t carry a big bucket of water with my hands never mind put it on my head and cooking on an open fire is a bit of a nightmare . In such a scenario, why can my husband and I not do the following:

  • Buy a portable gas stove for the cooking. No more cooking on the open fire and getting smoke in my eyes.
  • Get a borehole installed as well as a water tank. No more disasters with buckets full of water
  • Look. I’m not trying to kill any living thing bigger than a fly so this killing chickens business? Nah. This is 2015. Let that sink in for minute. 2015. Why can’t I just bring my chicken pieces from the supermarket? I don’t think there really is a valid reason to be honest.

It makes 110% sense why daughters-in-law were required to do all this in the past. I guess because they would be going to start their own homes in similar settings, the in-laws possibly wanted to make sure that she could take care of their son (not that the guy was expected to do anything to show that HE could also take care of HER but that’s a story for another day!) However, this is 2015, surely we should be embracing whatever technology makes our lives easier right?

I have no problems with cooking and cleaning for and showing off your domestic prowess to your in-laws but lets not try and make each other’s lives unnecessarily difficult.  Surely if I’m not going to go and stay in the rural areas then I should be able to do whatever makes life easier for both them and myself right? Yes, let’s keep our traditions but let’s also incorporate technology and move with the times right?

What do you guys think?