Hellurrrr everyone! First blog post of the year! 🤣🤣🙈 My sincere apologies but I’ve been “lifing”. But I’m back. I’m happy I’m back and so are you😜 So I won’t bother with the long-winded explanation cum apology. Hope everyone is well though. Truly.

Anyhoo. The Invitation. *Sigh* Being a vampire-romance fan-girl (and not shy to admit it), I had been eagerly waiting to watch this ever since I saw the trailer months ago. But alas, how disappointing the actual movie was. Where do I even start? **Spoilers ahead** Ok. First of all, it was touted as a horror flick. If I can watch it from beginning to end, then there’s no way on earth it’s a horror. The only horrific scenes I can remember are 1. There’s a severed head rolling around within the first 5 minutes of the movie and 2. The time this chick has her throat slit because the vamps wanted to have a drinky-drink. That’s literally it.

Secondly, I didn’t get as much actual vampire action as I had anticipated. I wanted to see vampires being vampires, you know? Instead, I got a bit of fang baring and the male lead sucking on someone’s foot for a few seconds🙄

Third. The actual story still eludes me. Like. What was the reason Walter needed 3 brides for again? Just to make himself more powerful? That’s it? I mean, that was so underwhelming.

Fourth. The marketing for this sucked. They made it out to be a horror, which it really wasn’t. Also this poster below. Why? Just, why? You’re literally giving away the “plot twist” *face palm* We were supposed to wonder until the right time who the bride and groom were 🤦🏾‍♀️


Lastly. Their fangs all looked super fake. I’m sure you can get better looking stuff on Amazon🙄. So bottom line. This was really meh at best. The only saving grace was getting to check out Thomas Doherty for over an hour but that was it.

It also looks like there’s a possibility of a sequel because although she pushed Walt into the fire at the end, we didn’t actually see him die. If there is a sequel, I really hope they do a much better job of it than this one.

The Invitation, I give you a solid 5/10. You did disappoint I’m afraid.

Have you watched this movie yet? And what are your thoughts on it? Let me know in the comments section below!